Anne Kupczok
Assistant professor
Contact: anne . kupczok @ wur . nl
I am an assistant professor in the Bioinformatics group at Wageningen University since August 2020. I am a bioinformatician by training with a particular interest how microbes and viruses evolve and how the interaction with eukaryotic hosts impact their evolution.
In my research, I infer the diversity within microbial populations from genomes and metagenomes, where I focus on the interaction between organisms, such as phages and bacteria, and the consequences of this interaction on genome evolution. I am interested in understanding how different evolutionary processes (mutation, recombination, and horizontal gene transfer) contribute to viral and microbial evolution.
Complete list of publications in pubmed.
Profile on Google Scholar.
Profile on ORCID.
PhD students
Jun Liu
co-supervision with Jing He, Energy Microbiology Center of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Synthetic microbial communities for mitigating ammonia and greenhouse gases generated by fecal microbiota
Profile at WUR
Joliese Teunissen
co-supervision with Stefan Geisen, Nematology group WUR
Deciphering the role of the soil microbiome in intercropping
Profile at WUR
Dimitris Karapliafis
Evolution of plant viruses in wild plants (in collaboration with Mark Zwart)
Profile at WUR
Chen Chen
co-supervision with Dick de Ridder
Deep learning approaches for evolutionary origins of species-specific prokaryotic genes
Laura Patiño Medina
co-supervision with Astrid Bryon, Laboratory of Virology WUR
Microbiome-virome interactions in whiteflies
Thomas de Bruijn
co-supervision with Hilje Doekes, Laboratory of Genetics WUR
Modeling diversity in bacteriophages
Master students
Liz Villabona Arenas
Featurization of plant virus genomes
Bachelor students
Emma Nabuurs
Gene co-occurrence and genomic location
Former Members
Felipe Perez Martinez
Msc thesis student 2023-2024
Inge van Vugt
Msc thesis student 2023-2024
Laurens Klinkien
Msc thesis student 2023
Devin van Valkengoed
Msc thesis student and research assistant 2022-2023
Gian Passania
Msc thesis student 2023
Joran Schoorlemmer
Msc thesis student 2022-2023
Elma van Wieren
Msc thesis student 2022-2023
Jori de Leuw
Msc thesis student 2022-2023
Nikolai Matviiets
Msc thesis student 2022-2023
Nikolaos Vakirlis
Associated postdoc 2021-2022
Now at BSRC Alexander Fleming
Amanda van de Ligt
Msc thesis student 2021-2022
Jan Baijens
Research assistant 2021-2022
Matthijs Kon
Msc thesis student 2021-2022
Matthijs Pon
Msc thesis student 2021
Claudia de Buck
Msc thesis student 2021